Sunday, April 13, 2008

Students'Fellowship - the elixir of a student's spiritual life...

Yesterday evening we had a farewell to the outgoing students in our Fellowship. It was a moment of gratitude towards our Dear Lord for us. All of us were given a chance to speak and everyone did spoke on our experiences being a part of the fellowship, and I was amazed to see that many though were Christians, had really come to a personal relationship with Jesus through this fellowship. Many shared on how God has transformed their lives in the past two years, and the many blessings bestowed to each. Never realized that many accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour through the two days retreat which we had last year, and how since then God has been guiding them and speaking to them. Till yesterday, never knew that the Holy Spirit was always at work in speaking to our fellow brothers and sisters of this fellowship. God made me marveled at His Greatness. Coming from a big church with so may youth members, good music, and attractive programmes, at times I used to find it here to be so dull, but what i didn't realise was the way God works in His own way and that I shouldn't look on the outward appearance but the heart. No matter what, the Tech EU has always help me to remain close to the Lord. Alone, on my own, I can do nothing and God Himself has told us to fellowship together in His name and I am glad that He has made me a part of Tech EU fellowship, to share a part in the family of God, and enjoy His blessings. Sometimes I wonder why do I have to be so weak, but then the Word of God tells me that only when i acknowledge ma weakness will I see God's strength working on me, at the same time He also reminds me the righteousness in me being a child of God.......Sitting in the third row was pondering on how God has been so gracious to me, blessing me one after the other thru out ma life. He is always true to His promises and yes He was to me all the time. And as i look back and see, I am amazed at the way He has changed me and brought me this far. Of course there were times, when I had to go through painful experiences but God always gave me the comfort and strength to move on. Living in today's world with all the glitters around to trap me, i find it difficult to resist the temptations of chasing after the riches of this world and being materialistic but the Lord always speaks to me at such times with His word, Mathew 6:33 - "But seek ye first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be given unto you."
I wonder where would I have been without my Lord, and without the prayers and encouragement from ma brothers and sisters.
"My heart rejoices in the Lord, in the Lord my horn is lifted High, my mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in Your deliverance." 1 Sam 2:1

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Littering a Big problem here...

This afternoon when I and suparna were going to the Department to sign, a fellow was handing out a flyer to all the passersby along the road. And we were just talking about the way people are littering everywhere in the campus. Suparna was teasing me the way i was carrying the biscuit wrapper with me all the way through till i got to the department dustbin and threw it there. Since childhood, we have been taught at school, at home to keep our surroundings clean, but i guess people out here are too educated and too fed with knowledge that they haven't leave room in their mind to be mindful of their civic senses..... Yeah, so this fellow was distributing about hundreds of this piece of paper and that time i didn't observe or realise the next thing people did after taking the flyer. In the evening, when I was walking by to Dr. C Jacob's place for EU committee meeting, i saw those flyers all scattered here and there in the road and along the roadside. I started counting those papers and you wud be surprise to know that I could count 98, but there were much more than that. I was just thinking why people can't carry a single piece of paper till their respective halls and throw it in the first waste basket they get hold of? Is that so much trouble??? I guess not. Well, the fact remains that there is a shortage of dustbins in the campus however not so that there are none. Should I call this ignorance or irresponsibility?? i dont know. Its a shame to see highly educated people being careless enough to litter here and there. Where are all our civic senses gone?? We do such things and complain that there are no people to clean up the rubbish lying everywhere giving an ugly and unpleasant sight. It cost nothing to be conscious of our acts in keeping our environment clean, green and safe.....

Life @ IITKGP.....

Two years...Sigh!!!!! Cant even believe 2 years has just passed. How swift does time goes?? Someone has rightly said that 'Time & Tide waits for no man.' How true!! The first day i stepped inside KGP, felt like leaving rite away....It wasn't the way i expected it to be....But today, as the time nears for me to depart this place, I've lots of memories to carry forth with me. Two years ain't long enough but it has given me so many things. Of course there had been times when I would feel like getting away from KGP, when I really hated this place especially because of those weird insects and mosquities ( eh!), but then lemme bury those unpleasant part of it, and carry the good times and good things with me. As i looked back, i see that there 're so many things that IITKGP has offered me which could have boosted me up, but sadly bound by ma own laziness I couldn't give myself to all those (ma lost only). The times that I spent with ma friends whom I hold very dear and very close to my heart, ashamme, tanu aka makri, supu sundari, sunati, divya, sushi, and many more, will always miss the times that we had together - happy times, sad times; there were times when we'd laugh together, when we'd cried together, and times when we'd bicker over silly things and often wouldnt talk with each other for a few hours but that wudnt last for more than a day....had unique realtionship with all of them, Ashamme as ma roomie, we shared so many things, infact we 'd shred all our secrets, with supu I thank God for partnering us goin thru the same phase of life - crying together comforting each other, with Divya those many rickshaw rides and i bet none in the campus would have taken as much rickshaw rides as we did in the past 2 years....Then those sleepless night watching movies after movies, then chatting for hours way through the night, and will miss chatting with this friend called Aditto......Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!m gonna miss all those. Remembering all those bring a smile to ma face and a twinkle in ma eyes.....then at the department, with all our classmates, so much work load in 1st sem but enjoyed as we did had much fun - the DP survey trip to Darjeeling, then NOSPLAN, where we won most of the trophies....never realised that there're so many things until i started thinkin about them @ this hour.
Apart from all these, being a part of Tech EU has always been a blessing and I admit that though I wasnt faithful enough enough in carrying out my responsibilities, the Lord has been faithful and true to His words, helping me and guiding me through and through.
Endless abiding memories of here to be carried along as I moved on from here.
But for the time being, the reality, the greatest of all, the purpose for which I am here, ma MCP dissertation still due....why do I keep procrastinating?? report yet to be written, ma final presentation yet to be prepared and with hardly 2weeks time left why am I still cool about it. When I should be fully focussed on it, putting ma heart, soul and mind, i find myself doing it just for the sake of it...evry night i go to sleep saying to maself, am really gonna be serious and work hark on ma thesis from tomorrow morning onwards and ending up sleeping till late the next morning. But how long will this continue? Till the day comes and say today is the time and you got no time for completion. No, no matter what I will do it as this is for what I came here. Yes, 'tomorrow never comes'. Now, will stop here and get to start on with my report.
Goodnight Dear Blog :)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A trip down the memory lane!!

This afternoon, I started off to take a trip to Kolkata. Packed up my bag and was about to leave then realised that I should hand over the Tech EU offering box to someone before I leave. So, though I was getting late I called the rickshaw wala bhaiya and ask him to take me to the Bachelor's Quarter. On reaching there, saw that Lori ma'am and family were having their lunch (hem, late lunch). She invited me in but was in such a hurry had to leave even without entering their door. The kids were calling behind,"Kevi Aunty, where are you going??" But i turned off, waving bye bye to them, got back to the rickshaw and rode off for the took 35 minutes to reach the station (the rickshaw bhiaya was riding so slowly but what can i do, felt like telling him to pull faster but thot poor fellow, why dont I try to picture myself in his shoes and then see). On reaching the rickshaw, i asked him how much should i pay even though i know how much should I be paying just to make sure. Gosh! was surprised to hear 50 rupiya. Though was in a hurry, still made time for bargaining and paid 40, which was also more compared to the usual fare. Went to the inquiry counter to ask," Sir, which express train to Howrah?" He answered, "it just left, the next will be only after 5pm." Then I asked "what about local?" He answered, "the last one left 5 mins ago; the next will come only after 4pm. I murmured to myself "another 2 1/2 hours... what do i do now??" .....The sky was already clouding over. And i was indecisive whether to wait for the next train which'll be so late or to return back to my hostel. Was standing there thinking which way to go, then heard another rickshaw wala shouting towards me,"didi, IIT?" I said yes, without hesitating and sat on the rick. Was already on my way back but was still thinking what should i do, go or not?? Stupid me!! And then started raining cats and the rickshaw wala pulled to a nearby shop, a pharmacy and ask me to go take shelter there. String winds blowing bringing down the dried twigs from the trees, dirty muddy water all over the roads......looking at the road, i whispered to myself for the 2nd time, Oh! what a sight!!! Had to wait for about half an hour for the rain to slow down, however got drenched. On stepping inside the hostel, Tanu, Smriti, Sajana and Asha, all shouting at the top of their voices,: Kevi, how was your trip to Kolkata?? laughing and making fun of me..........

Monday, March 24, 2008

A New Day!!

Dear Blog, this morning i woke up anew and afresh. As i entered into a new day, new thoughts captured my mind, i started to see new things around me, things that i overpassed daily but never stopped to observe keenly, i saw things in a different way, indeed in a good way. I pondered what was I doing all these days, never realising the beauty that lies in each and every minute things. I looked around myself and i could see things reciprocating to me. For i minute i stopped and thought what's happening to me but I realised this is the way I am suppose to think, to see the beauty that lies concealed in each and every small thing, for instance, the drops of water falling, the petals of the beautiful flowers in our hall garden though drying up still radiating its beauty, the music that i listen to daily started to show me a deeper meaning, soothing and peaceful and I was overwhelmed with what I actually don't have the answer. I questioned myself why have I never appreciated the small small things God created for me to enjoy. I 'd been counting on the dark side too much that my eyes have failed to see the brighter side of each thing. But now, as I stand and look around with a different perspective, i see things that i've failed to see in the past. My Attitude is what matters to make me a happy person, the way i take things and the way i look at them. Maybe i've been trying too hard to hold on to the past that I've failed to see better things ahead of me. Though I'd been trying to convince myself that what is gone is gone and that need to move on, but a part of me still wasn't ready to give up completely on what i still hold very dear to my heart but all i needed to do is cherish the good times, bury the bitterness and move on for a brighter tomorrow. Though I knew all too well the grace of God, His abundant blessings showered upon me throughout my life, His Help, His Comfort, His Love, I failed to acknowledge them, taking things for granted but now I see that all I can hope for is the Hope in Him, the Future that He has planned for me; from the time i was born till today and henceforth to come, my days are numbered by Him, and now all I want to do is follow the way set for me and reach the destination that He has marked for me. People say that we make our own destiny, but I believe in predestination though at the same time I believe that to get where i m destined to, i need to put effort on my part, just sitting down and waiting for some kind of magic won't help. Each and every small things that has happened both good and bad, happy or sad, joy or sorrow, all happened to mould me and make me into the exact person that I've been destined to. All I can wish for is to follow the One way without being sidetracked till I reach my destination. Though I may have so many dreams and aspirations, at the end what matters is the heights that I've been destined for......

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The ABSOLUTE Truth!!

Sinner was I by Birth, but the Lord took upon my sins on His shoulder. Sinless He was yet He suffered in my place so that i may have Life, Life in its fullness. All human beings are destined to dust and ash, but what about the life after that. Yes, there is the very existence of Heaven and Hell, the life after our lives on the planet earth. Now, the choice is ours to make whether to accept the gift that Jesus has freely given by paying the price of our sins on the cross, or to deny the gift and end up in hell where there is never ending suffering. I thank the Almighty for choosing me and enabling me to accept Him as my Saviour. And today, on Easter, the Day about 2000 years ago on which the Son of God conquered death, I gladly proclaim that He is my Lord and because He lives, I live with Him forevermore and will dwell in His House all the days of my life. Amen!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


(Written for me by someone and it touched ma heart to the very core)
<क.ल। २००६>
Lost in the deserts,
in dire need of a direction
Wanderin' in an ever vacuum state,
cold and lonely was I.
Then Lo! a ray of hope seems,
Surfacing all the emptiness,
Sufficing all the rues,
for being a lone wanderer
for too long a time.
Just as I was on the verge
of losing myself entirely.
Like an embellished ray of the sun,
piercing thru' my darkness,
the decaying night cedes.
Yes! You are the inspiration
that quenches my drought stricken soul.
A mere glimpse of your smile,
makes me a conquering hero.
Yes! I will perpetually hold on to
to that celestial Ray of Hope.
And that is none but YOU.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

'Being Myself '- the real me in and out.

Often, traveling through this mysterious journey called 'life', i question myself about who am i? what m i doing? where am i headed towards?......... endless questions poking through my head.......seeking the answer for an identity.....i try hard to search for the real me, looking far beyond the depth and breadth of this small rounded world, thinking to get the answer from somewhere....... a sole wanderer, overpassing the simple reality that all i've to do is to look inside deep within my heart to find Me.....times and again, i try to run away from Me, pretending to be someone else, but at the end of the day, always realize nothing more convincing, more peaceful, and more rewarding than being "Oneself"